About the poem: In this poem Gul has presented a different view on the celebration of birthdays and is posing a question.
Why do you blow candles?
Why is your birthday so important to others?
Each birthday that passes,
You come closer to your death ,
This is what you are actually celebrating…
By having a grand party,
The coming of death closer to you.
Why do people celebrate on losing one complete year of their life?
Maybe you celebrate the moments you had last year.
And bid a farewell to it.
Then why only one day is dedicated to this celebration.
Why don’t we celebrate life the whole year.
Why do they not welcome each day like a new day?
When it actually is.
Did you like this poem on birthday written by Gul Sanowber? Do share your thoughts in the comments and also encourage the writer.
Read more about Gul here: Gul sanowber
Read another poem by Gul here:
- प्रवासी मज़दूर: जब मार्च २०२० में कोरोना वाइरस के चलते पूरे भारत में लॉक्डाउन लगा था तब प्रवासी मज़दूर ने खुद को असहाय पाया था और वे पैदल ही अपने घर के लिए निकलने पर मजबूर हो गए थे। ऐसे ही प्रवासी मज़दूर की पीड़ा के ऊपर है यह कविता।
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PC: Angèle Kamp
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