The Truth of the “Deal” | A poem

Written by The Mockingjay

The Truth of the Deal | A poem by The Mockingjay

About the poem– Inspired by her father’s ideology, writer has tried to depict the truth – an image of our society, and its control through false consciousness.

           “They” are all held captive,
in the world of illusion,
Where “WE” sell them beautiful lies.
And imprison them in a fragile virtual world;
Everything here is cold and dark,
“WE” force “them” our delusional Laws,
to follow through the patriarch.

“Our” agenda is to blind “them”
from the truth of their existence, 
to reprogram their fragile little minds..
Holding them detained.
directing our empty platitudes .
Like you wake up in your bed, 
and believe what you want to believe in.
Suppress anything that doesn’t fit in.

Yes, “WE” are the evil beings,
The Democrats, Government or The Capitalists.
Making you slave to our self-created labyrinth.
conspiring to morph you..
in our demonic belief system. 
One; is “The Society” 
and the other; is “material wealth” 
Oh, such an ecstasy!
A theoretical perspective of status, 
Repels your Power, Success and Glory!

As you struggle all through your life..
Skipping meals, working until you could win …
Influenced and dreaded that you’ve made it through the whims,
And far there, 
at the abandoned street corner…
Someone’s begging for a scrap,
To be contended and to hymn!
“WE” blunt your thoughts,
Make you plead on your knees,
So you could never fight back, 
or raise a question against our terrible deeds.

Let “Us” Exploit this planet,
Let “Us” spread out all deadly disease,
Let “Us” destroy this beautiful world, and make you insane,
As “WE” build your fragile home; and call it human mundane!

There’s a splinter in your mind,
Driving you mad.
Something you know, though can’t explain it rather!
Have you questioned the nature of your existence ever?
The myriad complexities often stop us even before we start?
As though you’re living in a subjective view of the world.
Or is it that every moment, every experience, and every vision..
is bought up to you simply as an illusion !!!?

  – The Mockingjay

Did you like this poem ‘The truth of the Deal’ written by The Mockingjay? Do share your thoughts in the comments and also encourage the writer.

Know more about the writer of this poem on truth: The MockingJay

Read more poems by The Mockingjay:

  • Tale of A Sandcastle City: This poem is a metaphorical expression of love as a journey through a broken relationship.
  • Deep into the woods: This poem is a metaphorical expression of Life’s mysterious journey. A partial expression; portraying an image or an idea of life’s occurrences.
  • Unrealistic Romance: The poem ‘Unrealistic Romance’ is a mysterious journey to an unknown world, narrating an elusive attraction.
  • A Letter to Dad : In words of the writer of this poem- “An unmasked feeling for my dad. It’s dark and morbid. But real and raw. “
  • A Lost Love: This poem talks about author’s true feeling for a love that is lost in time. She’s a strong believer of undying love, that survives throughout the test of times. 
  • 19th November Evening – A Time Travel: They live their own separate lives, far away from each other now. Still there’s an ether string, kept the love alive within her. For She knows, love is unconditional. Read this love poem to know what would happen if they ever meet after years!

If you write poems or stories and want a genuine platform where you can share your creations and also grow with the platform then get in contact with us at: or submit the poems or stories written by you here: 

PC: Erik-Jan Leusink

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4 thoughts on “

The Truth of the “Deal” | A poem

Written by The Mockingjay

  1. Wow!!
    You make a clear picture of our real culture of humilatiing human rights and treatment of average peoples by the monied men in your society. Carry on your pen !!

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