Tale of A Sandcastle City | A poem as an expression of love

Written by The Mockingjay

Tale of A Sandcastle City | The Mockingjay | A poem as an expression of love

About the poem: This poem is a metaphorical expression of love as a journey through a broken relationship.

It was a sandcastle city with you,🕍
Calm waters,
Small waves gently touching the shore. 🌊 
Sea-gulls flying by, 
Singing carefree with the wonderful breeze, 
Confined in ocean’s Misty haze!

Suddenly, a dreadful tide intruded upon.🌪
Gentle nights expelled in loud waves.
Slowly, and silently with an inevitable blow, 
Our city-castle collapsed into a dark hue.
And the howling waves kept crushing-in,
Oh! What a maddening drive
Of cruelty, tormented through!

Sitting there at the shore, I kept
leaving notes in a bottle for you ..✍️ 
Awaiting your return!
With each arrival of star ✨I promised; 
They’ll be here forever 
In the middle of this abandoned harbour.

As I wandered across the restless wind,
Found those beautiful strangers,
Lit up my soul exceptionally,
In my head, sketched an unknown reality,
Weaving through secret, mystery and obscurity!

While crossing this life path, 
Take my hand if you require..
Take my Love, ♥️
If that heals your soul.
Take my breath, 
If that’s what makes you feel whole! 💙

              – The Mockingjay

Did you like this poem which is a metaphorical expression of love and is written by The Mockingjay? Do share your thoughts in the comments and also encourage the writer.

Know more about the writer: The MockingJay

Read more poems by The Mockingjay:

  • Deep into the woods: This poem is a metaphorical expression of Life’s mysterious journey. A partial expression; portraying an image or an idea of life’s occurrences.
  • Unrealistic Romance: The poem ‘Unrealistic Romance’ is a mysterious journey to an unknown world, narrating an elusive attraction.
  • A Letter to Dad : In words of the writer of this poem- “An unmasked feeling for my dad. It’s dark and morbid. But real and raw. “
  • A Lost Love: This poem talks about author’s true feeling for a love that is lost in time. She’s a strong believer of undying love, that survives throughout the test of times. 
  • 19th November Evening – A Time Travel: They live their own separate lives, far away from each other now. Still there’s an ether string, kept the love alive within her. For She knows, love is unconditional. Read this love poem to know what would happen if they ever meet after years!

Read more English poems here:

  • One Body Two Souls : This is a poem as an expression of love, written in English, authored by KS Mobein. This English poem, describes the beauty of relationship between two people in love.
  • My Brain Speaks Death: This is a short English poem written by Joshua Nyambe. In this poem, the poet talks about his feelings and emotions while he is out on his corridor, being alone.
  • My Prayer: This English short poem written by Zaid Nabi is in the form of a prayer. In this, the poet is talking about what he wants his prayer to yield.

If you write poems or stories and want a genuine platform where you can share your creations and also grow with the platform then get in contact with us at: storiesdilse@gmail.com or submit the poems or stories written by you here:  https://storiesdilse.in/submit-your-stories-poems/

PC: Courtney Hall

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7 thoughts on “

Tale of A Sandcastle City | A poem as an expression of love

Written by The Mockingjay

  1. Fantis expression of thoughts !!!!
    !!!There is some one to hold your hand rudely to get your love for his heeling of his soul !!!!

  2. your metaphorical thoughts of love is really touching in real life !!!! Wonderful expression !!!!
    Yes , there is still some one waiting to hold your hand tidely for getting your pure love for heeling his unrest heart !!!!

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