Looking To Submit Your Story ?

Steps to follow and Benefits for the writer

Submit your Story

Are you a writer? Do you write stories? Short stories, Novels, Novellas, flash fiction? Are you looking for a place to submit a story or multiple stories? Yes, yes and Yes? … Then you are at the right place.

storiesdilse.in is a home for your stories. We will publish the stories for you on our website. All the copyrights will always be yours. Not only this, you will get a profile page of your own where all your creations and all your other addresses (read social media pages) can be mentioned. So, it is another way for you to market yourself and also get yourself published.

Now you are wondering tell me the steps already? Without much ado, here they are:

  1. Submit your story here: https://storiesdilse.in/submit-your-stories-poems/ . Checkout the form there, in case you have any questions shoot an email to us on: storiesdilse@gmail.com
  2. We will publish your story on storiesdilse.in within a week and send you an email notifying of the same. And congratulations, by this time you also become our writing partner.
  3. Share your story with your friends while we share your story with our readers for feedback.
  4. If your story does good, we push your story to be published in more traditional ways – with your permission of course and the royalties will be shared with you as well.
  5. What’s more? You get feedback and reviews on your story and free marketing from us.

Nothing to lose for you right? So what is stopping you? Go ahead and submit your story already: https://storiesdilse.in/submit-your-stories-poems/

PS. Are you wondering what language we support? We are looking for English/Hindi and Malyalam writers at the moment. If you are one, don’t lose any more time.

PC: patrickian4

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